Lodsworth’s annual Bulldog Picnic – in pictures

Bulldog Picnic - Bulldog Rescue and Rehoming Trust.2019

The 22nd Annual Bulldog Picnic. 

Pictured are the Lakes and Gregs family with Wilton (8 months).

Picture: Liz Pearce


LP191171 SUS-190909-095405008Bulldog Picnic - Bulldog Rescue and Rehoming Trust.2019

The 22nd Annual Bulldog Picnic. 

Pictured are the Lakes and Gregs family with Wilton (8 months).

Picture: Liz Pearce


LP191171 SUS-190909-095405008
Bulldog Picnic - Bulldog Rescue and Rehoming Trust.2019 The 22nd Annual Bulldog Picnic. Pictured are the Lakes and Gregs family with Wilton (8 months). Picture: Liz Pearce 07/09/2019 LP191171 SUS-190909-095405008
This year saw the 22nd annual Bulldog Picnic take place at Lodsworth Village Hall and Sports Field on Saturday (September 7).

The event was organised by Bulldog Rescue & Rehoming Trust and is the charity’s main fundraising event. See if you recognise anyone in our pictures from the day. READ MORE: Midhurst Fire Station open day in pictures