Peasmarsh village voice

There was a constant stream of visitors to the Archive Exhibition at the Memorial hall last Sunday, as always lots to see and discover about the history of our village. Many interesting conversations were sparked by looking at the old photographs and memorabilia, with people remembering things that they didn’t know they knew! Thank you to everyone who came along, and of course to those whose hard work made it possible.

There is a new and exciting after school dance club starting at the Memorial Hall on Thursday 3rd May called Movers & Groovers . Michelle Paine, who is a qualified dance teacher with over 20 years experience of teaching dance to children, is running the club which will be held between 4-5pm for all children in yrs 2-6 (age 6-11). Movers & Groovers is a fun and friendly class suitable for all, regardless of whether they have danced before or not. It’s an active class where members will learn funky routines to all their favourite tunes. The cost is £2.50 per child. For more information or to sign up for the club please contact Michelle on

Tickets are still available for the concert and candlelit dinner in the Church on Bank Holiday Monday, May 7th. The Celan Quartet are a very talented group of 17-year-olds all studying at music colleges in London and their programme will appeal to all classical music lovers. Contact Robin Thompson 01797 230356 for tickets, or if you want more information there are brochures at the Church or at the Tourist office in Rye or from Jennifer Als 01797 230324.

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Jubilee Celebrations - So what’s happening in Peasmarsh on Saturday June 2nd? Fun and games and a free tea- party for children of 12 and under who live in Peasmarsh, or who will be in the village that day with grandparents or other relatives. Where? On the Recreation Ground.

We are inviting Rye Foreign residents who live on either side of the main road up to Coldharbour Lane to join us, so please, please when you get your next Periodical make sure you fill in your invitation slip so we know how many children to cater for. Also so we need to know how many young people will be collecting their special Peasmarsh Jubilee souvenir coins. The Parish Council is offering these coins as a special memento to all young people from Peasmarsh up to and including the age of 18. What else? Music from Sussex Brass and Synergy. Bring your dogs! The ban on dogs on the field will be lifted for the afternoon and they can all compete in the Fun Dog show. Fancy Dress for the under-12. The theme is Red, White and Blue! Lots to see! Rye Dance, Majorettes and Morris Men Food, a licensed bar, Stalls and sideshows, barbecue. We do need more volunteers for to help before and on the day, plus contributions for the tea party. Please contact Sue Cavilla 230431, Georgie Dunham 230840 to help with the tea party and Jenny Als 230324 for other queries or offers! This Jubilee event will not take place again in our lifetime so please support it and make it a Diamond Day to remember!

Peasmarsh Flying Start baby and toddler group is held at the Peasmarsh Memorial Hall every Thursday morning (during term time) from 9.30am-11.30am and costs £2 per family.

Services at Peasmarsh church this Sunday will be Holy Eucharist at 10am and Evensong at 3.30pm.

Mary Hitchins, 2 The Old Hop Gardens

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