Lead thieves strike again

LEAD thieves have struck for the second time in two weeks, this time completely stripping the roof at the Age Concern shop in St Leonard's Road of all it's tiles, forcing the shop to close after rain water seeped in and caused extensive damage to the premises.

Shop Manager Judy Jeff said they are not sure when the theft took place exactly as there are two flats directly above the shop premises which have been undergoing refurbishment and, the first they knew there was a problem was when they noticed water coming in through the shop ceiling.

She said: "The shop and the flats directly above have two separate landlords. We knew that work was going on in the flats upstairs because we've seen builders coming in and out for the past three weeks. The landlord of the flat's lives in Spain and basically left the builders to it."

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However, it appears that the builders sub-contracted out the work and Sue believes this is where the problem lies and that they may be responsible.

She said: "It was a major problem for us because when the water began leaking into the shop we did not know what to do. In the end our landlord had to break in to see where all the water was coming from and it was only then that we discovered what had happened."

She added: "How can a roof be completely stripped of lead and no one notice?"

The shop will now be closed for a few weeks while it undergoes a complete refit.

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