Nearly a third of disabled people in West Sussex out of work

File photo dated 26/01/18 of money. Statutory sick pay (SSP) is down by almost a tenth in real terms since the Conservatives came to power, research for the SNP has found. The party also said the UK is the "sick man of Europe" when it comes to supporting ill employees. Issue date: Monday August 14, 2023.File photo dated 26/01/18 of money. Statutory sick pay (SSP) is down by almost a tenth in real terms since the Conservatives came to power, research for the SNP has found. The party also said the UK is the "sick man of Europe" when it comes to supporting ill employees. Issue date: Monday August 14, 2023.
File photo dated 26/01/18 of money. Statutory sick pay (SSP) is down by almost a tenth in real terms since the Conservatives came to power, research for the SNP has found. The party also said the UK is the "sick man of Europe" when it comes to supporting ill employees. Issue date: Monday August 14, 2023.
Nearly a third of disabled people of working age in West Sussex are not in employment, new figures suggest.

Nearly a third of disabled people of working age in West Sussex are not in employment, new figures suggest.

An equalities charity has said the labour market is "rigged" against people with disabilities.

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Figures from the Department of Work and Pensions suggest there were around 113,000 disabled people aged 16 to 64 in West Sussex as of June – 31% of whom were not in work.

This compares to 18% among those without disabilities.

Across the UK there were 9.6 million disabled people – a rise of 1.9 million on June 2019, before the coronavirus pandemic.

The gap in employment rates between the disabled and non-disabled population has remained steady, but is currently slightly smaller than in 2013-14, when local figures were first available.

At this point, the same figures show 44% of around 58,000 disabled people in West Sussex were out of work.

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