WATCH How you can play new version of rounders while keeping to social distance rules

It's easy to play a version of rounders that keeps to social distancing rulesIt's easy to play a version of rounders that keeps to social distancing rules
It's easy to play a version of rounders that keeps to social distancing rules
Rounders England has developed a new family-friendly version of the game that can be played in small groups as part of its response to the release of Department of Culture, Media & Sport guidance on the phased return of sport and recreation.

The organisation said the release of the guidance was a significant early step in the return of community sports.

They added: "We cannot yet quantify or qualify how great an impact lockdown has had on activity levels, but what we’ve all felt is the absence of team sports, from professional through to community games, and its importance to our wellbeing, our sense of self and our national identity.

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"This latest guidance signifies small changes which we hope will lead to the return of the sports we know and love.

"We cannot, of course, trade serious health implications with our desire to feel the sun on our backs, as we play rounders with our friends. In line with DCMS advice, we can confirm the continued suspension of formal rounders activities until the end of June 2020, covering league matches and team training. This position will be continually reviewed in light of Government advice.

"Building towards the future, we are establishing a medical advisory group to specifically assist the rounders community in safely returning to play. We will provide further updates on this when appropriate.

"However, the new guidance makes clear that people can, and should, go outside more than once a day for exercise as long as they’re following social distancing guidelines.

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"This can be done alone or with members of their household, or with one person from outside of their household. To this end, we are launching a modified version of rounders so people can get as much from the sport, in our current situation. You will find guidance on how to play below

"At Rounders England, we will continue to work with Government and other sporting bodies and keep you updated as and when changes are made.

"Our website has a dedicated coronavirus section that details the resources we have available.


Can be played with a minimum of 2 players

A jumper can be placed at each of the X spots

Each player takes it in turn to be the Batter, while others are Fielders

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The Bowler bowls to the Batter. The batter runs to the first jumper on their right

1 point awarded for each jumper that the Batter reaches

The Fielders have to get the ball back to the Bowlers jumper to get the batter out and stop them from scoring

Each Batter gets 5 consecutive hits, then joins the Fielders

The running track can be increased and decreased in size, dependent on the age and ability of each Batter