Oving traffic lights consultation extended

Oving Lights TRO schematic. Photo: West Sussex County CouncilOving Lights TRO schematic. Photo: West Sussex County Council
Oving Lights TRO schematic. Photo: West Sussex County Council
The consultation period for the proposed closure of Oving traffic lights consultation will now end next week, due to an 'ongoing technical fault' with the county council's website.

A formal consultation was opened last month into the closure of the Oving lights crossroads over the A27 as West Sussex County Council looks to create a traffic regulation order (TRO). Read more hereThere was some confusion over the closing date of the TRO consultation period, with the website stating on Monday that it was due to close that evening but the county council confirmed on Thursday (November 14) that it was set to close at the end of the day. This was despite the live consultation website being out of use since Monday, which a council spokesman put down to a 'technical fault'.A spokesman for the council has today (Friday) revealed that the consultation will now end next week.

He said: “We apologise for the ongoing technical fault with the consultation page but please assure your readers we will now be accepting consultation responses until 4pm next Friday, November 22.

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“We hope to have the page back up and running soon but comments can be submitted in the meantime by emailing: [email protected]."