
Whaltington newsWhaltington news
Whaltington news
PARISH CHURCH NEWS: The service at St. Mary Magdalene’s church this coming Sunday will be at 9.15 am Holy Communion with hymns. As always everyone is welcome.

PARISH COUNCIL NEWS: At the recent parish council meeting a number of issues were discussed these included;

All the storm water drains along the C293 are to be cleared during February, this will be done at night and if any are missed, like last time, they will return to do them. Please let Valerie Bennett know if you see that a drain has been missed .

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Rother have ordered road signs for the new road names but no date for siting these has been advised.

Bucking the trend, good news for residents as Parish Councillors agreed to lower the 2019-2020 precept for Whatlington to £7,100, they were able to do this as the money from the now closed Children’s Christmas Party Fund account had been returned to the council.

As some councillors are unable to attend the 21 March meeting a new date will be set. The Annual Parish Assembly will be held on the same date and the High Weald ANOB is being approached to provide a speaker.

As two councillors will be retiring the council needs to find two replacements if anyone is interested in becoming a councillor they can contact the Chairman or Clerk to discuss further.