LETTER: Free speech vital in all debates

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I don’t know much about the workings of Horsham council but free speech is essential in any and all debates and the freedom of the press helps to hold politicians to account.

We rely on the WSCT to inform us, and it does a good job.

I read with interest Kate Rowbottom’s article (WSCT March 12th) where she thinks that by signing the WSCT Free Speech Charter her loyalty to her constituents would be compromised...strange.

I believe she is like some of her Conservative colleagues, namely those in higher places in Horsham council and she fears her loyalty to her political party may be compromised.

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This has got to be the worst council in my memory (since 1967). The secretive, underhanded way it has operated cannot be allowed to continue.

The wagons are circling around the Conservative Party and their disastrous polices ready for the next election and whoever has been foisted on us to elect as MP, this ‘safe seat’ may not be so safe anymore.

Whilst UKIP are not ready yet to run the country, I believe we would be better served locally with some (preferably lots) of UKIP councillors in the mix and Roger Arthur at the helm.


Holly Close, Horsham