New Year's Day shop window smasher misses sentencing

Worthing Magistrates' Court

in Christchurch Road, Worthing. 

Picture: Liz PearceWorthing Magistrates' Court

in Christchurch Road, Worthing. 

Picture: Liz Pearce
Worthing Magistrates' Court in Christchurch Road, Worthing. Picture: Liz Pearce
A man who smashed high street shop windows in a New Year's Day vandalism spree missed his court date.

According to his solicitor, Jack Lambeth from Bognor Regis could not attend his sentencing at Worthing Magistrates’ Court on Monday as he had no money to pay for travel.

The court heard he had spent the last of his monthly income to pay off a mobile phone and would not get paid again for 10 days.

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Mr Lambeth, 24, pleaded guilty on January 16 to six counts of criminal damage in the vandalism spree in the early hours of January 1.